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IT SupportCyber Security

What Happens When You Ignore Security Warnings on Your Computer ?

You’re sitting at your computer, catching up with your email, when a little box pops up on your screen. It’s a security warning, and, chances are, you just click out of it without a second thought. But could ignoring these warnings be putting you or your information at risk? Why they’re so easy to ignore Let’s face it: Pop-ups are a nuisance. Add to that the fact that you probably have little to no idea what these updates and warnings actually mean, and it makes it tempting to ignore them. Unless it’s one of the  it’s hard to take them seriously. Mathew Porter, director at , explains the three types of warnings you’re probably most familiar with, how seriously to take them, and how you should respond. “Update available” This one might be especially easy to ignore because it’s not really presented as a warning. Just because this update is “available” doesn’t mean your computer needs it, right? Well, Porter suggests that, if you see a…
Nicholas Salem
April 10, 2019
IT Support

Did you buy a new smart home device on Cyber Monday?

With the growth of technology came the development of the smart home devices. The three top smart home devices are Google, Alexa and the Apple smart home technology. With the development of these devices people can control their homes from their phone and by voice at home. Connecting your home like this is very convenient. I just installed my smart devices at home and love them. It makes things much easier and I can control them from my phone anywhere. Choosing what brand to use is up to you. They all have different pros on cons and are ultimately very similar. I would look at the compatibility with your current devices and what you ultimately want to do. Pricing things out is important too as there are a lot of options for different products. Furthermore, you should always check the reviews on the products that you buy as they provide great insight on how the product works and functionality. Overall smart home devices are going…
Nicholas Salem
November 26, 2018
Cyber Security

The Cloud, is it Safe?

With the growth of technology came the need to store data on a larger scale and have access to it from anywhere you are. Thus the cloud was created. With the creation of the cloud and storing data in cyberspace comes the question of is my data safe and secure? Can anyone access it? Cyber security is a topic that concerns so many people. If you think about it the principles are the same for cyber security as physical security. While the tactics are drastically different what we do is similar. You put a lock on your door to your house and you put a password on your information. You install a security system at home and you encrypt your data online. When you apply the same tactics it makes your data and more secure. Cyberspace is a place that continues to grow and develop. Information is constantly being updated and so are security practices to safeguard it. It is very important to look at…
Nicholas Salem
November 18, 2018
IT Support

7 Common IT Mistakes Putting Your Business At Risk

As a business, you plan for everything from driving traffic to increasing revenue. However, one aspect that companies often fail to take into account their business plans is IT security. Without the right IT infrastructure and cybersecurity precautions in place, your company is at high risk of losing all your valuable information to technology malfunctions or worse, cyberattacks.  Regardless of your business size, industry, or amount of investment in IT security to date, here are six common information technology mistakes that we see business across the board make, time and time again. Take a look to see which mistakes your company is making, and the steps that you should take to eliminate technology risk for your business. 
Nicholas Salem
November 15, 2018
Cyber Security

10 Ways to Make Your Business More Secure

For the small to medium-sized-business (SMB) owner especially, the impact of cyber attacks go beyond the immediate financial loss and disruption to the daily working schedule – there’s the loss of reputation and customer trust to factor in, too. Despite this, it’s SMBs that have the most difficulty finding affordable and doable security measures. This can lead to substandard protection or worse still – no security at all. To help solve the problem, here are ten simple ways to make your business more secure.
Nicholas Salem
November 5, 2018

Non-Profit IT Services

Non-profit administrative functions such as accounting, sustainability forecasting, and donor management are all operated on IT Systems. Non-profits organizations are now more than ever relying on their IT infrastructure to sustain their mission. Non-profits IT challenges Money: Non-profits have a hard time with IT budgeting, whether it is because of cash flow issues or because every dollar spent on IT is a dollar less than can be dedicated towards their mission. Staff: Typically it  would be hard for non-profits to staff technical expertise in-house. Partnering with a Managed IT firm allows non-profits to deliver more dollars to their mission and give their staff the IT support they need. Flexibility: You want to be able to receive donations and donor information quickly and efficiently. Are your donor apps mobile ready? Is your website mobile ready? Is it all secure? Boston Managed IT takes on the responsibility for managing your IT environment to deliver the skills and security your board members and donors expect. By spending less…
Nicholas Salem
October 16, 2018
IT Support

4 signs you’re partnering with the right IT Company

1. The company has a low employee turnover rate Partnering with a company encompasses more than simply purchasing their solutions at a competitive price. Forming a strong relationship may (and typically does) involve, at minimum, regularly working with their employees to identify cooperative areas of growth, and improve collaboration and communication where needed. Now, if your level of interaction simply doesn’t go beyond the purchasing phase, that doesn’t mean you’re not presented with opportunities to strengthen the relationship. For example, you likely have to contact your customer’s technical support department for information regarding solution updates and repairs or for answers about general product installation, implementation and usage. These too are chances to form deeper connections. Here’s the problem: When your partners have high employee turnover rates, it’s often difficult to maintain a strong relationship. You may have noticed this already. When you need assistance, you want to work with technical support experts—professionals who are regularly exposed to and therefore know the ins and outs of their…
Nicholas Salem
October 4, 2018
Cyber Security

October is Cyber Security Awareness: Week 1: Make Your Home and Office a Haven for Online Safety

About Cyber Security Awareness Month National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) – observed every October – was created as a collaborative effort between government and industry to ensure every American has the resources they need to stay safer and more secure online. Since its inception under leadership from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, NCSAM has grown exponentially, reaching consumers, small and medium-sized businesses, corporations, educational institutions and young people across the nation. 2018 marks the 15th year of National Cyber Security Awareness Month. With recent legislation and support from the White House, cybersecurity is continuously a popular topic of discussion and rightfully so. More specifically, there is even stronger focus on consumers and their cyber safety. Everyone at every age is a consumer, and thus this year each theme will focus on the consumer and his/her needs regarding cybersecurity and safety. NCSAM 2018 also marks the 8th anniversary of the STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ campaign. Week 1: Make Your Home…
Nicholas Salem
October 1, 2018
IT Support

How can Boston Managed IT help us?

Outside of functioning on a day to day basis, businesses must focus on the future. The pace of business and business technology is too fast to just sit back and take things as they come. What I see all too often are business leaders putting out fires instead of working to prevent them. HOW BOSTON MANAGED IT CAN HELP Boston Managed IT completely takes over the management of day-to-day end-user support so internal staff can focus on the company’s mission Many organizations function without a ticketing system, or they have a ticketing system their employees don't abide by. This leaves the organization with a lack of data to drive their decision-making. Even enterprise organizations who have implemented ticketing systems often find that employees go around them and instead call, email and stop by the desks of their coworkers to make requests or notify them of issues. Alternatively, Boston Managed IT eliminates any opportunities for employees to seek IT support without submitting a ticket. This way…
Nicholas Salem
September 29, 2018