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Young person using a wireless keyboard to work on a document in Microsoft Word on a large desktop monitor

Improve Your Workplace Productivity With Microsoft Word: 11 Tips To Make the Most of This Program

Microsoft Word is an indispensable part of most business environments. It has numerous features that can help you boost productivity.Microsoft Word is one of the most popular office programs in the world. It allows millions of people to complete their duties more efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced user, you can use the software to create many different documents. The list includes business letters, resumes, flyers, marketing newsletters, labels, plans, employee reports, and seminar documents. Best of all, you can print and share them within seconds. It’s easy to see why most companies rely on Word. But the reality is, many people haven’t tapped into the full potential of this tool. It’s chock-full of features that can help you be more productive, yet not a lot of people know about them.This article will provide 11 tips on making the most of Microsoft Word to enhance your workplace productivity. The 11 TipsTip #1 - Switch to an Online WorkspaceOne of the best things about Microsoft Word is that…
Nicholas Salem
February 28, 2022
person wearing long-sleeve top working on laptop

Finding the Right IT Provider: Avoid These 8 Mistakes

Your business can benefit a lot from working with an IT provider. However, you need to avoid several key mistakes when choosing your team.Time spent on trying to figure out the technology you use in your business can be costly. While doing that, you can’t focus on your business needs, which can then result in poor customer satisfaction. This is where IT providers come into play. They enable you to outsource hardware and computing-related services, such as managed IT security and cloud computing. IT providers can also provide a robust IT infrastructure so that you can direct your attention to revenue-generating activities. While there are numerous IT providers to choose from, not all of them may accommodate your business’s specific needs. And integrating with the wrong team can raise your spending due to irrelevant services, recurring security issues, data backup problems, and downtime. Therefore, you need to be extra careful when selecting your team. The only way to avoid disappointment is to avoid these eight common mistakes when looking…
Nicholas Salem
February 25, 2022
Matrix, Communication, Software, Pc, Virus, Computer

11 Effective Security Measures To Bolster Your Microsoft 365 Data Protection

Making the most of your Microsoft 365 apps requires you to adopt appropriate security measures.Microsoft 365 is one of the best collaboration and productivity tools around. It provides users with seamless communication, scalability and supports remote work with various features. The security is also solid due to a wide array of defense mechanisms. But this doesn't mean you're impervious to cyberattacks. Data leakage, unauthorized access, and malware can still jeopardize your system and offer ideal entry points for hackers. Should your business fall victim, the consequences can be dire, ranging from operational disruptions to severe reputational damage. The only way to fend off hackers is to take your Microsoft 365 data protection to the next level. And this article will list the 11 most effective security measures to help shield your data in Microsoft 365.The 11 Effective Security MeasuresSecurity Measure #1 - Activate Multi-Factor AuthenticationMicrosoft 365 users have just one method of verifying their identity when using a username and password. Unfortunately, many people don't follow robust password…
Nicholas Salem
February 20, 2022
Tips, Tricks, Tips And Tricks, Lifehack, Tip Of The Day
IT ManagementProductivity

Enhance Your Server Management with These 8 Tips

You may have state-of-the-art servers, but their efficiency can diminish over time. Managing them is key to optimizing your business operations. Numerous organizations rely on servers for various IT functions, such as applications, emails, hosting websites, and data storage. Although many companies have turned to cloud-based services using remote data centers, many enterprises still depend on in-house servers. As such, they need to ensure their devices remain in tip-top conditionThat’s where server management comes into play. Managing your servers can streamline the performance of your team by allowing them to complete complex tasks faster. Plus, it can enable them to detect problems early on before they get out of hand and compromise your business. As a result, the risk of experiencing operational setbacks is drastically lower. But the only way to make the most of your server management is to perform it correctly. And to help you do so, this article will share nine tips on improving your server management. The Eight TipsTip #1 - Mount the Servers Properly Small businesses…
Nicholas Salem
February 15, 2022

Enhancing Office Productivity With Google Chrome: The 12 Best Extensions To Improve Your Workflow

Working from your computer or smartphone is convenient, but it can also be distracting. To maintain productivity, you should install effective Google Chrome Extensions. Google Chrome is arguably the most popular browser on the planet. It’s best known for allowing faster loading of websites, optimized performance, and an intuitive interface. As a result, it can help your team complete their daily duties much faster. However, it raises the same concern as other browsers – ample room for distractions. Your team members can easily switch to YouTube videos or social media, lowering their productivity. And it can often get out of hand, preventing your staff from meeting deadlines and reducing customer satisfaction. That said, you can help your employees get back on track and maintain productivity. All you need to do is incorporate practical extensions into your browser. This article will list the 12 best Google Chrome extensions that can help increase office productivity in your business.The 12 ExtensionsExtension #1 - BlockSiteBlockSite can enable your team to stay focused by blocking…
Nicholas Salem
February 10, 2022
Turnover, Business, Distribution, Sale, Commercial

Increasing Your Office Productivity With Streamlined Android Apps – The 3 Best Solutions

Is your team also using their Android mobile devices to do their tasks? Incorporating an Android suite of apps into your workplace can dramatically improve productivity.   Many organizations opt for Android to take their office productivity to the next level. After all, they can provide higher flexibility, better workflows, and efficient communication.  All sectors in your business can even benefit from a high-quality suite of Android apps.  For instance, your account representative can use an app to update client information while on sales calls instead of making notes and submitting the information later. This can save a lot of time and can reduce errors that can occur due to extra steps.  Another great thing about these apps is that they help reduce paperwork. Your team won’t have to wait until they go back to the office to fax, print documents, and maintain hard-copy files. They can perform these tasks on the go with less effort, all while also lowering ink, power, and paper consumption.  Numerous…
Nicholas Salem
February 5, 2022