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7 Most Exciting App Announcements at Microsoft Ignite 2022

If you follow Microsoft products, then you may know about Microsoft Ignite. Held annually, it generates many exciting updates and announcements in the Microsoft world.Microsoft held its most recent conference last October. In the rush of the recent holidays, you may have missed some of the highlights. So, we’re bringing them to you now.One thing you’ll notice is that Microsoft Teams got a lot of love at the event. Microsoft is now describing Teams as “the app at the center of Microsoft 365.” We can see why the company keeps enhancing this virtual workspace. Teams now has over 280 million users. It’s not surprising seeing that Microsoft has introduced over 450 new Teams features. And that's just in the last year.We’ll go over some Teams features below, along with other Microsoft App announcements from Ignite. These may give you some ideas for your next digital workflow upgrade.Teams PremiumThere is a new Teams Premium offering from Microsoft that adds a whole new AI component to the…
Nicholas Salem
February 5, 2023
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What Cybersecurity Attack Trends Should You Watch Out for in 2023?

The new year has just begun and it’s a time of renewal as we plan for the possibilities to come in 2023. It’s also a time when you need to plan for resiliency in the face of ever-present cyberattacks.Sixty-eight percent of surveyed business leaders feel that cybersecurity risks are getting worse. They have a good reason. Attacks continue to get more sophisticated. They are also often perpetrated by large criminal organizations. These criminal groups treat these attacks like a business.In 2021, the average number of global cyberattacks increased by 15.1%.To protect your business in the coming year, it’s important to watch the attack trends. What new methods are hackers using? What types of attacks are increasing in volume? Knowing these things is important. It helps you better update your IT security to mitigate the risk of a data breach or malware infection.We’ve pulled out the security crystal ball for the upcoming year. And we've researched what cybersecurity experts are expecting. Here are the attack trends…
Nicholas Salem
January 25, 2023
white laptop computer on white table

Align Your Team to Company Targets with Microsoft Viva Goals

You often hear the words “digital transformation” and “collaboration.” But what do they actually mean? What do they mean for the day-to-day of running your business?Collaboration can’t happen without shared goals. When departments are siloed and unconnected, priorities can conflict. People are doing their best but may not be moving in the same direction.Digital transformation is simply the use of technology to better reach business goals. This encompasses moving from analog ways of doing things. Transitioning to tools that are more automated and connected.Microsoft has been at the forefront of digital transformation and collaboration. Its Viva platform drives an improved employee experience. It does this by use of AI, automation, cloud connectivity, and more.In this article, you’ll get an overview of Microsoft Viva. Then, we’ll dive into one of the newest Viva offerings, Viva Goals. We’ll explore what it does and how it can help your company meet its targets.What Is Microsoft Viva?Microsoft Viva is a line of employee experience applications. These connect to the…
Nicholas Salem
January 15, 2023
Free photos of Cyber security

5 Ways to Balance User Productivity with Solid Authentication Protocols

One constant struggle in offices is the balance between productivity and security. If you give users too much freedom in your network, risk increases. But add too many security gates, and productivity can dwindle.It’s a fine balance between the two, but one you can achieve. Organizations need to recognize the importance of both. And not sacrifice one for another.A recent report from Microsoft notes a dangerous lack of authentication security. Just 22% of Azure Active Directory users had multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled. This means that over three-quarters were at a much higher risk of an account breach.Why do organizations fail to adopt important security protocols, like MFA? We know that it's as much as 99.9% effective at stopping fraudulent sign-ins. Yet so many companies aren’t adopting it.User inconvenience is the biggest reason. MFA is not expensive. In fact, it’s free to enable in nearly all cloud applications. But if users say that it’s hurting productivity and is a pain to use, companies may not bother…
Nicholas Salem
January 5, 2023
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CybersecurityIT Management

What to Include in a Year-end Technology Infrastructure Review

When the year is coming to a close, it’s the perfect time to plan for the future. Most businesses begin the year with the hope of growing and improving operations. Much of how a business operates depends on technology. So, it makes sense to look to your IT for areas of optimization.A year-end technology review provides an opportunity to look at several areas of your IT. The goal is to take time to focus on improvements you can make to boost your bottom line. As well as what tactics to take to reduce the risk of a costly cyberattack.A recent study by Deloitte looked at digitally advanced small businesses. Small businesses that make smart use of technology are well ahead of their peers. Here are some of the ways they excel:Earn 2x more revenue per employeeExperience year-over-year revenue growth nearly 4x as highHad an average employee growth rate over 6x as highThe bottom line is that companies that use technology well, do better. They are…
Nicholas Salem
December 31, 2022
IT SupportBusinessIT Management

IT Trends for small business in 2023

Photo by Engin Akyurt on As a small business owner, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest IT trends and technologies to ensure that your business is running efficiently and effectively. Here are some key IT needs that small business should consider in 2023: Cloud Computing: More and more businesses are turning to cloud-based solutions to store, process, and access data. This allows small businesses to reduce their IT infrastructure costs and improve collaboration among team members. Cybersecurity: Cyberattacks and data breaches are becoming increasingly common, making it essential for small businesses to invest in robust cybersecurity measures. This includes implementing strong passwords, using antivirus software, and training employees on best practices for online security. Mobile Technology: With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets for business purposes, it's important for small businesses to have a mobile-friendly website and to consider implementing mobile apps or software to improve productivity and communication. Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT refers to the interconnectedness of physical…
Nicholas Salem
December 28, 2022